ScreenSafe Registration Search

Kimihanga Rēhitatanga a ScreenSafe

This registration search function serves as a powerful tool for both industry professionals and projects seeking qualified screen workers with specific safety expertise. Enter a name, registration number or email address to look-up a record.

Utilising the search function, productions and HOD's can easily search a registered screen worker's profile and discover if they possess the desired safety training credentials, certifications, and specialist experience required for each unique area of production work.

This streamlined process enables projects to efficiently identify and connect with screen workers who meet their safety requirements, ensuring a safer working environment on set. Conversely, registered screen workers benefit from increased visibility and accessibility to potential job opportunities, as their profiles become searchable based on their safety qualifications and experience.

Overall, the Registration Search feature facilitates seamless matchmaking between productions and screen workers, fostering a safer and more efficient production process.
SSW number
Department & Role
Crew Rep Experience
Safety Experience
Curriculum vitae
No results found
There are no results matching this criteria. Please try modifying your search by using the person's name, email, or registration number.

Alternatively, if you cannot locate a specific person, they may either not be registered or have opted out of being searchable through this registration directory.
"Safety equipment can always prevent injuries."
"He rite tonu tā ngā taputapu haumaru ārai i ngā taotū."
While safety gear is essential, it's not foolproof.
Ahakoa he mea hirahira ngā taputapu haumaru, ehara i te mea he pītongatonga ki te tūraru.