This policy applies to all company employees, contractors and volunteers working in the organisation. In applying this policy ‘employee’ is to be read as including contractors and volunteers.
You can use this template to assist you to build an anti-bullying policy for your production.
This is a quick guide with advice for workers about what bullying at work can look like, and what they can do if they think they are being bullied, or are accused of being a bully.
While this material has been developed to support Tauiwi / Mainstream Sexual Violence Crisis services response to survivors, there is significant learning available in the guidelines for anyone working with survivors of sexual harm.
This guide lets you know about the options for making a complaint to the Human Rights Commission.
The information in this booklet is only meant to give general guidance. It’s not intended, or should be relied on, as a substitute for legal or other professional advice. If needed, we recommend that you get independent legal advice. The information contained in this booklet may be amended from time to time.
First published in June 2020.
This guide is based on WorkSafe’s good practice guidelines Preventing and Responding to Bullying at Work. More specific information on the topics described in this guide can be found here.
What to do if someone tells you about sexual harassment / abuse. If someone tells you about sexual harassment/ abuse, you can focus on increasing their sense of trust, control, safety and self esteem with everything you do.
For HOD’s and Health and Safety Personnel
Use this checklist to see what actions can help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.
This guide is based on WorkSafe’s good practice guidelines Preventing and Responding to Bullying at Work. More specific information on the topics described in this guide can be found here.
Use this template to assist you to know what to do when receiving disclosures.
This poster explains what Bystander Intervention IS and can be printed outto place around the production office or on set.
This poster explains what Bystander Intervention looks like and can be printed out to place around the production office or on set.