What does sexual harassment look like?

What does sexual
harassment look like?

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome or offensive sexual behaviour that is repeated, or is serious enough to have a harmful effect, or which contains an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment or an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment. Sexual harassment can happen between people of any gender, ethnicity and age. It is more common when there is an imbalance of power.

The following are examples of workplace sexual harassment:

  • Unwelcome or offensive sexual jokes or remarks whether made directly to you or around you.
  • The implied promise of work for sex, or the implied threat of blacklisting or discrimination if you refuse.
  • Unwelcome touching, patting or pinching by anyone involved in the production.
  • Offensive hand or body gestures.
  • Unwelcome sexual advances from anyone involved in your work– including those senior to you.
  • Regular hassling for a date or being followed home or to your hotel room by anyone.
  • Unwanted compliments or advances using online technology including social media.
  • Unacceptable sexual behaviour by anyone involved in the production.
  • Provocative digital or physical (posters) images with a sexual connotation.
  • Unwanted sexual material from a colleague including online or texted/sms sexual images.
  • Unwanted comments, questions or teasing about your sexual activities or private life.
  • Unwelcome or offensive sexual jokes or remarks about the content of footage being handled, or people in the footage whether drama or documentary.

The important thing is how you feel, not whether the person causing it perceives or intends their actions to be offensive. No matter what your position, you do not have to put up with sexual harassment.

For more information contact: Safe to Talk Helpline Phone 0800 044 334 or text 4334

There is no hierarchy to respect.

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